How to make money in the Metaverse (Web3)?
The blockchain and digital currency world are growing fast. New projects and initiatives are emerging on a near-daily basis. There are now almost 22,000 crypto tokens listed on CoinMarketCap, with a combined market cap of $927 Billion (as of 18 Oct 2022). This rapid...
10 Startup business ideas to consider for 2023
With the global economy still in recovery, launching a startup business for 2023 and beyond might not be the obvious choice for many people. However, as challenging as these times are for new businesses, they also present opportunities for those willing to take a risk...
How to set SMART SAVING GOALS & get the rewards in 30 years or less
Cocktail-napkin math tells us that if you save 20% of your income and invest it, you’ll have a million dollars in 25 years. But that’s easier said than done. Many of us struggle to set savings goals and maintain them for the sake of our future well-being. This is a...